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April 17, 2020

Thompson Statement on Trump’s Dangerous and Incendiary Rhetoric

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement after President Trump, while the country is facing a pandemic, spent the afternoon on Twitter egging on right-wing demonstrators who have protested against stay-at-home orders in states with Democratic governors.

“The President's tweets this afternoon were incendiary on many levels. State and local leaders across the country—including Virginia, Minnesota, and Michigan's governors—are diligently trying to deal with a pandemic, filling the leadership vacuum left by this Administration. Let's be clear: in this context, words like ‘liberate’ imply the use of force and could incite violence.  While Americans are suffering, this language not only deflects from the real issues we're facing but also crosses a dangerous line.  Extremists have been inspired by the President's language time and again. His dog-whistles today were irresponsible and beneath even the low standards of this Administration.”

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Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978